15 Places to Get a Box of Free Samples

Some of the links in this post are from sponsors. The information in this post would be the same even if there were no sponsors.

Companies are always looking for new and unique ways to get feedback on the products they’re selling. One of the most cost-effective ways to do this is by giving out free samples. Brands will partner with sampling companies that help them find the customers that are interested in what they have to offer and get feedback. These sampling companies put together multiple products in a single box, which saves money on shipping and lowers the cost of market research. Below you will find our favorite places to get a box of free samples.

Daily Goodie Box

Daily Goodie Box - March 2021 Samples
Daily Goodie Box

Daily Goodie Box sends boxes of samples that are packed full of fun samples. I have received several boxes from Daily Goodie Box, and every time I get picked for one, it does not disappoint. Last month, I posted a Daily Goodie Box review, so you can see what it’s like to get one first-hand. These free goodie boxes can be a bit more difficult to get than some other companies, but not impossible. To increase your chances of getting a free goodie box, you’ll need to be active on their social media and with their website. Check your messages on their website and comment on their social media posts to get picked for a box. Then, after you receive one, go back to their website and add your reviews to the products you received. That’s the best way to be next in line for another box.


PINCHme hosts a monthly event called “Samples Tuesday” where they give away thousands of boxes of free samples. Samples Tuesday is a first-come, first-serve event and is very popular. If you show up on time, your chances of getting the most samples in your box are the best. It’s best to complete your personal profile in advance because the more information they have about you, the more products you can match for. If you match for a lot of products and you show up early, you can add them to your box and checkout. It’s 100% free stuff with free shipping, so you just have to tell them where to send your freebies!


SampleSource keeps things pretty simple. They have a massive sampling event twice per year, usually in the spring and the fall. Because they only host two events per year, they get a lot of companies to participate with large numbers of samples. If you want to be included in future giveaways, you’ll need to go back after you try out your samples and provide reviews for each item you received for free. It’s pretty quick though, and since you only have to do it twice per year, it should be easy to find a moment to take care of it. To get SampleSource free samples, join their website and complete your profile. Then just keep an eye out on your email. They usually send a notice a few days in advance so you can be ready when the time comes. If you show up on time, you’ll likely get the most samples.


Sampler.io is a great way to get a free box of samples. Unlike other companies, you don’t need to wait around for a special samples day to get your box. This company also manages other sampling programs, so you may see their name more than once on your sampling journey. To get samples from Sampler.io, you’ll want to sign up and take their survey. It’s only takes a few minutes, but they use the information to find out which companies are looking for you to try their products for free. Once you complete the survey, you’ll be taken to a page where you can see all the samples you qualify for. Simply choose what you want to try and enter your shipping info, and your box will be on its way! Make a note to check every month or two to see if anything new has popped up, and as always, be sure to review your free products so that you can stay on the list for future boxes!

The Kit

The Kit is another sampling program managed by Sampler.io. To request free samples from The Kit, visit their sampling page. Keep in mind, this will feel very much like Sampler.io since it’s the same platform, but the products are much different. The Kit focuses mostly on beauty and cosmetics, so those are the items likely to appear in your checkout. Not everything is a beauty product though, so even if you’re not into these types of products, you should check them out to see if anything else is available.

Free Baby Sample Boxes

A lot of large retailers will give very generous welcome boxes for expecting and new moms. For example, Amazon, Target, Walmart, BuyBuyBaby, Enfamil, Medela, Similac all have welcome box offers with varying requirements on how to get one.

  • Amazon will give out welcome boxes if you create a registry and have over $10 worth of purchases from items in the registry. You can buy the items yourself if you want. The catch here is that you also have to have a Prime account.
  • Target has beautiful welcome kits that usually include a reusable tote full of samples and coupons. To get a Target baby box, first create a baby registry and then request one at the customer service section inside the Target store. Make sure to call ahead first in case they are out of stock.
  • Walmart ships boxes out to customers who create a baby registry with them. To get a Walmart baby box, first create a baby registry with Walmart. Then, request your box directly from them. You don’t have to visit the store to get this freebie.
  • BuyBuyBaby will give you a free goodie bag when you create a baby registry with them too. Just like Target, you’ll need to create a registry and then request your goodie bag in the store, so call ahead just to make sure they have them before you arrive.
  • Enfamil Family Beginnings is a program that starts off with a free welcome kit, and also includes discount checks and a rewards program for those interested in purchasing their baby formula products. Their website claims that the welcome kit includes $400 worth of free gifts. The free baby welcome kit includes belly badges (great for photos) and a bunch of free product samples.
  • Similac Strong Moms has a similar program to Enfamil. You can request their welcome kit on their website.
  • Medela also sends out free product samples for new moms via their breastfeeding community The Mom’s Room. Whether you will be using formula or breastfeeding, there’s always a free sample box for you!


Not all samples are the same! Joybird has a great program where you can order free fabric swatches directly from their website. The kit comes full of different fabric swatches that you can compare. It’s great for anyone looking to experience the difference between different fabrics for their home. Don’t let them go to waste though! Consider adding them to a quilt or scrapbook when you’re done with them.


Influenster is an app for those who have a presence on social media. They send out “Vox Boxes” to influences in exchange for honest product reviews and sharing on social media. The boxes are limited demand and are not guaranteed, but if you have a good following on social media, then this might make sense for you. To apply for a Vox Box, you’ll want to sign up for Influenster, connect your social accounts, and complete your profile.


Smiley360 is unique compared to some of the other sample box programs. When you join Smiley360, you are taken to a page where you can join “missions.” A mission is a sampling program for a specific brand or product with a series of steps that you must take to complete the mission. For example, you may be required to buy a product in exchange for receiving free products, or you may need to share on social media or complete some other task. It’s a fun way to learn about and engage with new brands, but you might have to do a little more than other programs in order to get freebies. You have a better chance to receive full-size products and more generous samples with their missions.
